Windows 12 is coming


Windows 12 is coming, and it looks like it’s going to be a game changer. Microsoft has been tight-lipped about the details, but there are a few things we can expect from the new operating system. The back end of 2024 will be here sooner than you think–and if our research holds true then this may just change your perspective on computing forever. Keep reading to find out what we know so far! And it’s… different!

When Microsoft launches its next operating system, we may see a floating taskbar and dock that takes up much more space. The widgets panel and action center will also move onto the top half of your screen rather than being located at bottom like before for scrolling down if needed; this way there would be no difficulty seeing what they need when browsing through different applications or performing common tasks such as checking email.

Windows 12 is expected to be more compatible with hardware than its predecessor, Windows 11. This should alleviate any major problems that were caused by the latter’s launch and allow people to upgrade without fear of compromised performance or functionality on their PC. We don’t expect any major changes in hardware requirements.

We can expect to see more of the stream of minor improvements that make such a big difference in usability. Making Windows 12 stable and bug free will be Microsoft’s number one priority – good news for all business users.

Upgrading your Windows operating system can be a big decision, especially with a new one on the horizon. But if you’ve been putting off the move to Windows 11, now could be a great time to act. So if you’re thinking about upgrading, just get in touch and let us know how we can help you.