Are you really downloading Zoom

When it comes to online meeting and collaboration tools, Zoom is one of the most popular options. However, there have been reports that some users are having their devices hijacked and being forced to download malware when they try to use Zoom. Here are some suggestions to help you protect yourself against this attack.

  1. Check the URL of the website you’re on
    If you’re not sure whether or not the website you’re on is legitimate, one of the first things you should do is check the URL. A fake website will often have a URL that is slightly different from the real website, so this can be a red flag. For example, if you’re trying to access Zoom’s website, the URL should be If the URL is something different, such as, this could be a sign that you’re on a fake website.
  2. Confirm the email address you received the link from
    Another way to tell if a website is fake is to confirm the email address that you received the link from. If you received an email with a link to a Zoom meeting, for example, but the email address isn’t from Zoom (e.g., it’s from, then this could be a sign that you’re on a fake website.
  3. Look for red flags on the website itself
    Once you’re on the website, there are some additional things you can look for that may indicate that it’s fake. For example, if there are spelling or grammatical errors on the website, this could be a sign that it’s not legitimate. Additionally, if the website looks “sketchy” or unfinished in any way, this could also be a red flag.
  4. Scan for Viruses
    Before installing any software on your computer, it is always a good idea to scan it for viruses using your antivirus program of choice. This will help to ensure that your computer remains safe and secure after installing Zoom.
  5. Try to contact customer support
    If you’re still not sure whether or not the website is legitimate, one thing you can try to do is contact customer support for help. A real company will usually have some way for you to get in touch with them if you have questions or concerns (e.g., via live chat, email, or phone). If you can’t find any way to contact customer support, or if they don’t seem to be responsive when you do try to contact them, this could be another sign that the website is fake.

Many of us have been affected by malware, whether we realize it or not. It’s important to take measures to protect yourself and your business from these fake websites and applications. By following the simple steps listed above, you can avoid being fooled by these convincing scams. If you need help implementing these tips or want more advice on how to keep your business safe, our team of experts is here to help. Get in touch today to see how we can help you protect your business from security threats.